Pine Pollen: It Could Change Your Life
Pine pollen is indeed one of nature’s top superfoods.
It has a vast array of health-giving properties and is available to us in Nature. While it is available commercially, many of us could realistically harvest it in the Wild, probably within steps of our front doors.
By many, pine pollen is considered a “potent tonic medicine,” and “powerful adaptogen” that “supports regeneration and longevity” in animals, including humans. (1)
Here are some of the key characteristics of pine pollen:
- contains all 8 eight of the essential amino acids or proteins (“essential” meaning that they must come from diet, and are not manufactured by the body), as well as a wide variety of the non-essential amino acids
- contains nearly all of the B-complex vitamins
- contains both Vitamin D2 and D3, with D3 being a rare find in the plant kingdom
- rich in polysaccharides
- contains ALA, a plant-source of Omega 3
- a good source of MSM with detoxifying properties, offering the ability both decalcify the body and improve the flexibility of joints and connective tissues
- has an impact on the improvement of the immune system
- supportive of the endocrine system, and of hormone balancing and the reproductive hormones
- can decrease sensitivity to pain
- highly inflammatory
- has radiation protective properties, offering assistance to the damaging effects of EMFs (think– mobile technology, WiFi), and other such radioactive concerns
- strong antioxidant properties allowing for the interruption of oxidation within the body
- contains many plant steroid hormones, which help to increase the amount of androgenic hormones, such as testosterone and DHEA, in the bloodstream
- has the ability to signal more progesterone in women
- libido increasing benefits
The commercially available forms of pine pollen generally come in powder form, or as a tincture.
The tincture is said to have more of a profound affect at elevating the androgenic hormones in the bloodstream, in fact, within just a couple of minutes of intake. (1)
Short of those having a pine allergy, which is rare, the powder form of pine pollen is said to be safe to be consumed by any gender of any age. The tincture, though, may best be avoided by those with an allergy, the young, and those that already possess elevated hormones. (1)
Like with bee pollen, it’s generally good advice to start small and build up slowly over time if choosing to consume pine pollen.
ou can save a bundle by harvesting your own pine pollen.
There is “suggestion” that commercially available pine pollen is more digestible because of some the processing and breaking of the cells, but, hmmm… Anyway…
Step 1
Remove the soft catkins from the tree.
Step 2
Set aside in a large bowl to allow to dry completely.
It is recommended to keep them in a warm place for drying, to allow for quick and thorough drying.
Step 3
Put some of the catkins into a sifter and shake out the pollen into a large empty bowl.
It is recommended to either compost the spent catkins, or to feed them to chickens.
Step 4
Sift the powder using a fine mesh sifter into another bowl.
Step 5
It is recommended to keep the pollen in the freezer in a glass container.
Here’s another very good video on pine pollen harvesting:
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