Eat Quenepa Fruit To Fight Insomnia and Boost Brain Function in Minutes
Have you heard of quenepa, also known as spinach-lime? Well, having this fruit in your kitchen can literally change your life. It will help you sleep better and improve brain function.
This rare South American fruit has a jelly-like flesh, rough texture and a hard shell. You should know that quenepa is sour so combine it with lime, salt or chilly to improve its taste.
How quenepa fights insomnia
To help you understand why this fruit fights insomnia and improves brain function, let’s look into its nutrients. Here the nutrients found in quenepa:
Fiber, iron, protein, calcium, amino acids, niacin, thiamine, minerals, vitamin C, B vitamins (B1, B3, B6, and B12), tryptophan, tannins, riboflavin, and unsaturated fatty acids.
As you can see, quenepa contains tryptophan – this is an amino acid that helps the body function properly. And research shows that consuming small amounts tryptophan before bed triggers sleepiness. It increases serotonin levels in the body and makes us relaxed.
In fact, anti-depressant and anti-anxiety meds have high amounts of serotonin. So this fruit can be of great help if your insomnia is caused by depression or anxiety.
More quenepa health benefits
Eating it regularly can even help control cholesterol levels and prevent constipation due to fiber content.
It can also reduce chances of urinary tract infections and stones because of the high amounts of vitamin A. You will also greatly benefit from phosphorous which improve digestion, balances hormones, regulates blood pressure and reduces asthma symptoms.
And as you may know calcium helps keep the bones and teeth strong. Quenepa can also prevent heart diseases and boost immune system because it contains a phenolic acid.
Benefits summary:
Prevents the flu and bronchitis
Improves function of reproductive system
Reduce gum infections
Relieve and prevent constipation
Prevents anemia by increasing production of red blood cells
Prevents and treats kidney problems
Removes parasites
Boost immune system and prevent buildup of bacteria
Treat and prevent lung and urinary infections
Treats skin problems
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