Green tea extract Powder the Effective weight loss ?
When your family suffer from hypertension, fatty liver, every day can drink green tea extract powder, can reduce the blood pressure of the family, because the inside of the composition containing tea polyphenols, caffeine, aromatic oil, water, minerals, pigment, carbohydrate, protein, amino acid, vitamin, etc., can be effective weight loss: main ingredients are catechin, this Matter can be through the circulation of the blood into the body, strengthen metabolism, increase fat oxidation and the energy consumption so as to achieve the role of obesity, especially in visceralFat inhibitory effect.For reduction of lactone, therefore not easy rebound.

Prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and thrombosis, fall blood sugar, prevention and treatment of diabetes, cardiovascular disease such as sterilization antiviral;The prevention and treatment ofhepatitis, fatty liver, anti-aging, and enhance immune machine Can;Cancer, allergy, prevent colds, prevent fractures.
Green tea extract can also be used in other fields application:
As natural food antioxidant: no matter in the oxygen resistance, safety, or the use of cost, teapolyphenols were significantly better than now in the market has been widely used synthetic antioxidants BHA,Butylated hydroxytoluene, TBHQ, PG and VE, VC etc.
As a good additive in cosmetics and daily-use chemicals: strong antibacterial activity and enzyme action suppression.So, it will cure skin disease, skin allergy effect, to the skin
The pigment, methods of teeth, dental plaque and periodontitis
100% Natural Polyphenol 7%-98% green tea powder as a natural antioxidant has been widely used in food industry.Standards of
using food additives in China, the tea polyphenols can be For use in food, such as grease, moon cake, ham dosage is 0.4 g/kg.Use method is first to be soluble in ethanol, add a certain amount of citric acid with the solution, however After the use of the spraying or add method for food.
Meat products: meat and its products in the automatic oxidation of fat during the preservation and the color yellow, rancid flavor.In meat products processing, or a variety of meat products
Spray is good tea polyphenols solution, can make meat protein and tea polyphenols on the surface of the formation of a layer of airtight epidural, suppressing oxidative rancidity and fine meat surface.The growth of bacteria and prevent the deterioration of good results.
Consumption of animal fats, animal oil does not contain its own natural antioxidant, easy to automatic oxidation and deterioration.Tea polyphenols is added in the oil, can prevent and delay the no Automatic oxidative decomposition of the unsaturated fatty acid, effectively inhibit oxidative rancidity of grease, prolong the storage period.
Fried food, Fried food in the process of frying, because its color is darker, black oxide;As oil oxidative rancidity role in storage of gradually deepening, sweet products
Gas, flavor severely affected.Tea polyphenols antioxidant effect of Fried food is better, can make the
phenomenon of oxidative rancidity delay, improve the shelf life of food.Baked goods: in the production of moon cakes and other oily food, add tea polyphenols in flour and oil mixture, not only can solve the anti-corrosion of these foods, and Can have the effect of nutrition care and enhance food flavor.
Aquatic products: tea polyphenols in fish, shrimp and other aquatic products fresh and processing process has significant anti-oxidation, prevent corruption, prevent Browning, and so on.In the production of dried fish products, with water immersion aquatic products containing tea polyphenols, can prevent dry fish caused by oil burning yellow and lipid oxidation.In the frozen fish, to join the tea polyphenol preparation, also Can make fish preservation effect is better.
Capsule Form of Green Tea Extract: tea polyphenol can be used to make all kinds of tea drinks, applied to various kinds of alcoholic beverages, and also can inhibit soy milk, soda, or juice in vitamin A and d The destruction of the element such as a variety of vitamins C, thus protecting drinks in various nutrients.
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