More people are drinking tea these days, but not everyone has the time to brew up a steaming pot of tea from loose tea leaves. Instant tea powder is great for people who want to enjoy tea but don’t have time to brew the tea. It is ideal for making iced tea, as it doesn’t require boiling water to brew.
Instant tea granules are made by using low pressure to extract liquid from fresh tea leaves. The liquid is then freeze dried to form a powder. When making green tea powder, steam or hot water is used to extract the tea nutrients. The extract is concentrated under low pressure and dried to a powder by freezing, spraying, or vacuum packing.
In addition, these products often come with added flavors, such as lemon, raspberry or honey. They can be sweetened or unsweetened. Which make it convenience and taste good.
Part of the appeal of instant beverages is the convenience of having a beverage already prepared. Instant tea can be a healthier choice than many other beverages. Yet it pales in comparison to freshly brewed tea. However, if someone is unable to tolerate brewed green tea, instant can be a healthy alternative as long as a brand is chosen without sweeteners and chemical additives.
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