Garcinia Cambogia Extract For Weight Loss

Garcinia Cambogia Extract For Weight Loss Plant Gamboge Fruit is originally from India ,the Indian call this plant Brindleberry , Latin Name is GarciniaCambogia. The fruit is very similar to citrus,it is also called Luo wang Guo.Gamboge Fruit has been used as one of spices in  curry powder from  the ancient times. Usually people do … Read more

Ginkgo Biloba Extract Benefits

Ginkgo Biloba Extract Benefits Ginkgo biloba extract is extracted from the dried leaves of plants of the genus Ginkgo Biloba and purified into a pale yellow powdery substance, which contains flavonoids, terpene lactones, ginkgo polysaccharides and other active ingredients. Ginkgo biloba has a great medicinal value, the extract was applied to medicine, food, cosmetics and so … Read more

What’s The Benefits Of Garlic Extract?

What’s The Benefits Of Garlic Extract? Garlic belongs to the Allium family of vegetables which also includes onions, chives, shallots and leeks.It is one of the most valuable and versatile foods on the planet. Galic bulb The active component in garlic is the sulfur compound called allicin. Allicin is the chemical produced when garlic is … Read more

Knowledge Of Shampoo Formulation

The main function of Shampoo is to clean hair and keep hair beautiful. The ingredients are in the following formula: 1. Surface active agent: mainly contains k-12 (12 alkylbenzene sulfonate), k-12A, poe1-3 alkylbenzene sulfonate; coconut acid diethanolamide (6501) to make foam stabilizer. Surface active agents in the formulation usually contains 10% to 25%. 2. Thickeners: … Read more

What’s The Benefits Of Coenzyme Q10 ?

Coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble quinone compounds found in nature, which has the similar physiological structure with vitamin K, vitamin E and plastoquinone. So, what’s the benefits of Coenzyme Q10? 1. Boost immunity Coenzyme Q10 is a natural antioxidant and cell metabolism activator produced by the cells themselves. For people of low immunity, by using … Read more