How Effective Is Echinacea Extract ?

How Effective Is Echinacea Extract ? Active substances in Echinacea Echinacea has a complex mix of active substances, some of which are said to be antimicrobial, while others are believed to possibly have an effect on the human immune system. All species of this herbal remedy have compounds called phenols. Many plants contain phenols, active … Read more

Why Take Ecdysone?

Why Take Ecdysone? Ecdysterone is considered to be an essential signaling molecule, could be a potential anabolic factor and immune system modulator. It’s main used are for: Enhancing protein synthesis Maximizing muscle mass Stimulating fat-loss and metabolism Increasing strength and endurance levels Preventing the loss of muscle mass Taking ecdysterone does not induce the same expression … Read more

Who Needs Bergenin ?

Who Needs Bergenin ? What Is It? And Where Does It Come From? Bergenin monohydrate (C14H16O9 . H2O) is an isocumeric compound that is found in the Bergenia crassifolia (Siberian Tea), Astilbe thunbergii (Ostrich Plume) and Ardisia japonica (Marlberry Bush) plants. Isocumaric plants are found in many Asian and Indian plants.What Does It Do? And … Read more

Lupeol Health Benefit

Lupeol Health Benefit Lupeol type saponin derivatives include lupane, betulinic acid, and betulin. Where is lupeol found? Pentacyclic lupane-type triterpenes exemplified by lupeol  are principally found in common fruit plants such as olive, mango fruit, fig, etc. Lupeol health benefit Lupeol has many biological activities like anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, anti-mutagenic and anti-malarial activity both in in … Read more

What Is Ferulic Acid And How Does It Benefit Skin?

What Is Ferulic Acid And How Does It Benefit Skin? Ferulic acid is a compound found naturally in a number of foods, including oats, brown rice, whole wheat, pineapples, and peanuts. Known to possess antioxidant properties, it’s thought to enhance health and fight certain diseases when ingested. In addition, ferulic acid is sometimes used as … Read more