Reishi Polysaccharides (Ganoderma Lucidum Extract) Function

Reishi Polysaccharides (Ganoderma Lucidum Extract)

Ganoderma lucidum, also named Lingzhi or Reishi, has been widely used all over the world for centuries. According to Chinese medicine, Ganoderma lucidum can penetrate into and work on the five key human organs for impairment of the heart, lung, liver, pancreas, and kidney. Ganoderma lucidum can cure the sickness of various human systems including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, neural, endocrine, locomotory, etc, involving medical, surgical, gynecological, paediatric, and ENT.

All these are because of its fundamental effect of “supporting the vital essence and securing the basics”, thus to improving the immune system. It differs from any other medicines that are used to cure specific disease, or supplementary nutrients that only address particular body requirements. Ganoderma lucidum helps regulate entire body mechanism and metabolism to ensure that all organs function properly.

How does the Ganoderma lucidum work to protect our body.

There is a great scientist Takashi Mizuno found the effective constituent in Ganoderma lucidum is Reishi Polysaccharides. To confirm the effect of Reishi Polysaccharides, scientist Takashi Mizuno did expirement on mice.

High hypoglycemic activity both in normal mice and in alloxan-induced hyperglycemic mice has been induced by two polysaccharide-protein complexes Ganoderan B and C, by their i.p. administration to male mice of Std:ddY strain. These complexes were obtained by adding ethanol to a hot water extract of Reishi and separating the precipitated polymer substances by column chromatography.

He isolated, from Reishi fractions of water-soluble  Reishi Polysaccharides, a 3% ammonium-oxalate-soluble heteropolysaccharide, and a 5% NaOH-soluble peptidoglycan. These were further separated into several fractions by various chromatographic methods. Strong antitumor activity and hypoglycemic activity were found in certain fractions of the hetero Reishi Polysaccharides.  Among polymer components in Reishi, many  Reishi Polysaccharides and their protein complexes were extracted using hot water, ammonium oxalate solution, alkalisolution, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution, etc., and separated by various chromatographic methods.

These polysaccharide fraction were used for the screening of hostmediated antitumor activities (BRM substances and immunotherapeutic agents) using Sarcoma 180/mice, i.p. or p.o. method. Strong antitumor activities were found in various hetero-b -8-D-glycans having a b -8-(1® 3)-D-glucan chain as the active site, such as b -D-glucan, glucurono-b -D-glucan, arabinoxylo-b -D-glucan, xylo-b -D-glucan, manno-b -D-glucan and xylomanno-b -D-glucan, as well as their protein complexes. These  Reishi Polysaccharides, especially in Reishi, will be examined for their possible use as new antitumor agents.

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