According to foreign media reports, the Swedish scientist said recently that intake more natural compounds that from spinach plant extract, can effectively reduce appetite, help lose weight.
Professor Aibo Sen in Lund University found the natural compounds found in spinach thylakoids when looking for method that can slow digestion and reduce hunger discomfort.
The researchers said that common foods are usually been digested on the upper intestinal,which makes the hormones that control satiety can not be released to the brain, and the role of thylakoid are different from common foods. According to the study, 15 subjects indicated that in morning daily intake thylakoids extracted from spinach plant,it will be easier to resist the urge to eat between meals.

The researchers believe that thylakoid in green leaves spinach can slow the digestion of fat, make the entire intestinal can participate in the digestive process. But the researchers said, because the human body can not break down spinach and absorbent thylakoid directly, so spinach must be crushed, filtered, and isolated the thylakoids out (extracted spinach plant), then body can absorb the thylakoids and achieve the desired effect.
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