What’s The Differences Between Red Clover Isoflavones And Soybean Isoflavones

What’s The Differences Between Red Clover Isoflavones And Soybean Isoflavones

What’s the differences between red clover isoflavones and soybean isoflavones

Before we tell the differences between red clove isoflavones and soybean isoflavones, we need to figure out what isoflavone is and the availability of natural botanical sources of isoflavones.

What are isoflavones?

Isoflavones are water-soluble chemicals found in many plants. According to Wikipeida, Isoflavones comprise a class of organic compounds, often naturally occurring, related to the isoflavonoids.Many act as phytoestrogens in mammals. Some are termed antioxidants because of their ability to trap singlet oxygen. Isoflavones are a structurally special group of flavonoids with the B-ring linked to the C-3 position of the C-ring. Isoflavones are known as phytoestrogens because they possess estrogen-like function, have attracted tremendous academic and commercial interest, especially in the last two decades. The main benefits of isoflavones are

Sources of isoflavones

Flavonoids are principally found in all types of higher plants. However, the distribution of isoflavones is largely restricted to the family Leguminoseae. Only few species have been reported as relatively rich in isoflavones, each with different isoflavone distribution patterns. The reported sources include alfalfa, bean sprouts (Vigna radiata), Kudzu Roots (Pueraria Lobata), Psoralea (Psoralea Corylifolia), Red Clover ( Trifolium Pratense), Soy Bean ( Glycine), and the examined content is listed as below:

Number Plants (with botanic name) Content of isoflavones
1 Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) 0.5-3.5%
2 Bean sprouts (Vigna radiata) 3.51mg/kg wet sample
3 Kudzu roots (Pueraria lobata) 0.95g/kg daidzein
4 Psoralea (Psoralea corylifolia) 2g/kg dry sample
5 Red clover (Trifolium pratense) 1.5-2.5%
6 Soy bean (Glycine max) 0.1-0.5%

Among so many sources, most important ones are soy and red clover.

So what’s differences?

Let’s compare in two different ways:

Red Clover Soy bean
extraction It is easy for red clover to get extracted,sono  organic solvent is needed The soybean isoflavones is the secondary metabolites during growth, it is hard to extract
Activity The acitivity (by quality) of red clover is about one or two in 20,000 of that of estradiol(natural estrogen) The acitivity (by quality) of soy bean is about one in 100,000 of that of estradiol(natural estradiol(natural estrogen)

Of course, the price differs as well. If you want to know more about red clover extract price, specification, certificate of analysis (COA) or soybean isoflavones, please kindly send email to us. Nutriherb is the manufacturer and supplier of raw materials for nutral products,such as plant extracts, tradtional Chinese Herbs, botanicals, amino acids, etc.

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